what do you mean by yoga everything you need to know about yoga

What is yoga?

 Yoga is a very old, holistic exercise system from India. It helps to balance body, mind, and soul and can also be translated as "unity", "connection" and "harmony".

Since the 19th century, the number of practitioners in the West has also increased. More than 300 million people around the world are now practicing, among other things, to feel better and to balance themselves mentally and emotionally.

Did you know that on December 1, 2016, yoga was recognized as an "Intangible World heritage site " by (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization)  UNESCO?

Although yoga is associated by most people with the practice of positions, the so-called "asanas", can be much more involved. Depending on how far the practitioner wants to go, yoga can become a complete attitude to life and philosophy. The special thing is that yoga is not a religion and can be practiced by followers of all faiths and also by non-denominational people.

Perhaps it is pressure to perform and a sign of our time that many people want to find themselves again and seek a balance to their hectic everyday life. Since yoga offers excellent opportunities to make the body fitter, healthier and more mobile, slow down the aging process, and improve concentration, people from different professional backgrounds and age groups practice.

 Did you know that scientific studies prove the effectiveness of yoga?

Modern, scientific findings combined with the ancient knowledge of the yogis and Ayurveda (literally: the "knowledge of life") have led to the successful use of yoga as a therapy for certain symptoms – physically and psychologically.

In most cases, people start in sports clubs or fitness centers and often become more than practicing asanas. If you look at the millennia-old history and philosophy of yoga, it can become a new way of life, which includes, for example, vegetarian to vegan diets. Yogis reject violence, and thus violence against animals. Ultimately, it is no longer only about the physical aspects of practice, but also about the ethical, philosophical, and spiritual aspects.

 Did you know that nonviolence (Ahimsa) comes first in the rules of classic Raja Yoga?

what do you mean by yoga

The yoga we are becoming more popular and widespread. For this reason, there is also, more reporting in various media, and there are various articles, stories and studies in journals (and their online editions) as well as science portals.

Here you can find selected news and we are of course also looking forward to receiving feedback.

Yoga is good for the brain

Already during training as a yoga teacher, we learned that yoga and meditation can promote creativity and awaken latent abilities (Yoga Vidya, manual for yoga teachers).

There are already several studies that show that yoga and meditation are good for physical and mental health. Companies around the world meditate during lunch breaks and even practice yoga exercises at their desks and in business clothes.

Health insurance companies also take on yoga classes, so that back and other problems are alleviated by targeted exercises.

An interesting article (link at the end of the text) mentions a study by Canadian scientists that found that: "Already 25 minutes of Hatha yoga or mindfulness meditation daily has a positive effect on our functions and mental abilities."

Also, hatha yoga and mindfulness meditation have a positive effect on the energy balance. 
According to the study's author, there are many theories as to why yoga exercises. B "increase energy balance and our perception." This would be due, among other things, "... the release of endorphins, increased blood flow to the brain and a reduced focus on negative thoughts."

One more reason why yoga exercises should be practiced by all generations, so that physical and mental abilities are developed and increased and are maintained in old age.

Yoga for children and adolescents - good reasons for yoga at school

Why Yoga for children and adolescents? And what do children, young people, parents, and schools have of offering yoga classes in schools?

Without addressing individual factors such as age, family and social environment, etc., school-aged children and adolescents also suffer from pressure to perform and stress at school. The resulting problems, such as sleep disorders, are no different from those suffered by adults under pressure. However, problems specific to the level of development of children and adolescents may also arise.

The mother and author of the original article (link see below) writes: "According to psychologists, 10 to 20 percent of children and adolescents have behavioral abnormalities. Also 4 out of 10 children I know have to take medication or have psychopathological symptoms: sleep disturbances, soaking, school anxiety, dissocial developmental disorders."

Yoga helps to better deal with stress and stress-related problems, numerous studies have shown. There are already various (yoga) offers for children and adolescents as well as special training courses for yoga teachers, so that they can learn, better respond to the needs of children and adolescents (links below).

For children and adolescents, according to the original amount, yoga lessons can make a valuable contribution to better dealing with stress and aggression, as well as protecting against depression and hyperactivity.

The yoga lessons should become an integral part of the timetable is therefore comprehensible...

Yoga for everyday life

what do you mean by yoga

Yoga is more than "sports" and "body exercises". I don't want to revile them in any way and I like to train myself with dumbbells, equipment and on the cross trainer, but there is a difference between these exercises and a yoga class!

When practicing yoga exercises, more areas are addressed than just. B the musculature, the sense of balance, and the cardiovascular system. Performing the exercises and holding the positions (asanas) can work on both the physical and spiritual levels.

How yoga exercises can have an impact on our everyday behavior is described in an online article by N24. The link to the original article is below.

Every person on the yoga mat may experience the effect of an Asana differently and it is determined that this depends on the shape of the day. Starting with an initial relaxation, the uniform training of both sides of the body with emphasis on correct breathing, and final relaxation, a yoga lesson has a completely different effect than e.B. Time on the elliptical cross trainer (in front of a flat-screen with the last disaster reports of the day) followed by dumbbell training.

Certainly, a good fitness program also helps to increase self-confidence, balance, and better health. In yoga, however, it is possible to use different exercises even more specifically to better deal with the challenges in everyday life.

Yoga helps with depression

This article describes how regular yoga exercises can help with depression. Yoga is not a substitute for therapy, but it can alleviate the symptoms!

In the US, five recent studies presented on the anniversary of the American Psychological Association have shown that regular yoga practice can alleviate depressive symptoms.

One of the studies examined the condition of 23 male and female veterans over a period of 8 weeks. During this period, the veterans attended 2 Hatha yoga classes per week, and after 8 weeks, the symptoms were "significantly reduced." And the yoga classes were very popular with the veterans."

A similar study in the Netherlands examined the "effect of regular yoga exercises in chronic depression." This study looked at 12 people who had been suffering from depression on average for 11 years. The participants practiced two and a half hours of yoga over a period of two months per week. "The result: anxiety, stress, and depressive symptoms decreased noticeably during this time."

More energy and serenity through yoga?

Do you need more energy? Do you want to relax? Want to find more about yourself? Being more relaxed in the midst of an increasingly hectic world? Getting rid of back problems? Just feel better? Regular yoga exercises can help you do that and much more!

The effects can manifest themselves on three levels:

  • Harmony: health, relaxation, well-being
  • Energy and skills: more life energy, mental abilities, intuition
  • Spirituality: Opening up to a Higher Reality

Can everyone learn and practice yoga?

Everyone can practice yoga and benefit from it. The respective exercises can be adapted to the individual needs and are as diverse as the people who practice them. If you want to improve your life positively and are willing to do something yourself, you will benefit from regular practice.

The various yoga exercises can be practiced by children, adolescents, young adults, fit ten as well as by people with various disabilities, pregnant women, and seniors. The motivations for people to start with can be very different. Some practice to become fitter and more flexible. Others appreciate her yoga class because it gives them new energy.

Many yoga beginners come to practice through a life crisis – and yoga practice then gives them the strength to go through the crisis, grow on it, and open themselves up to the new.

Others are looking for relaxation and want to switch off from everyday life and find relaxation. Some people want to find more about themselves. Many artists find new access to their creativity and new ideas when they practice yoga. Some yoga practitioners want to learn more about themselves and find healthier lifestyles and more salutary ways of dealing with themselves and others. Others are interested in yoga exercises to have extraordinary experiences and to experience levels of expanded consciousness. For some, it also becomes a spiritual path - away to oneself, to connect with a higher reality and to the experience of the Divine.

is in itself world-view neutral.

You can practice secularly, that is, for physical reasons alone. You can follow your yoga path as a Hindu, Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Jew, and atheist. If you are on a spiritual path, yoga can enrich this path and become your own spiritual path.

Is yoga difficult?

First of all, practicing yoga is easy. Or to put it another way, it doesn't have to be difficult. The yoga class should give you joy and new energy. It's not about what's happening on the mats around you, it's about your own individual practice! Your own boundaries can be experienced gently and perhaps also expanded, but this is done in respectful treatment of one's own body.

And you just need a mat and yourself. You can even practice directly on the carpet, put a towel or blanket on the floor. There are gentle and demanding types of yoga. If you like to have it exhausting, you will find yoga lessons, which can also be sweaty. If you want to approach it more comfortably, then choose a gentle yoga style. At Yoga Vidya, the exercises are gently introduced for yoga beginners. This is how you develop body feeling, relaxation, and awareness for your body and its needs. Then you can decide whether you want to practice gently or demandingly.

Yoga is fun. Therefore, there is probably hardly anything healthy that can be done as easily regularly as yoga exercises. The participants are looking forward to their yoga class and so it is easy for them to practice regularly and to stick to it.

Learning yoga

You are a yoga beginner and want to learn and practice? Congratulations on this decision and you are not alone!

Because more and more people are enthusiastic participants of different yoga classes and it doesn't matter how old you are, how big or how heavy, and what previous knowledge you bring. Your way of practicing is individual and as unique to you as you are.

There are several ways to start and practice. Below you will find hints and perhaps also answers to a few questions you may have.

I am a yoga beginner - what should I consider?

There are already many possibilities for beginners to get into yoga. Asanas (body exercises) can be easily experienced. A simple standing posture would be Tadasana, which is about consciously sensing the height of the body - special advantages are available here for digestion and breathing. Pranayama (breathing exercises) boost and harmonize the energies of the individual and relaxation exercises at the beginning and end of an hour let your mind and body consciously relax.

Yoga for beginners

Yoga is still new to you? In our portal for yoga beginners, you will find a large number of videos and MP3s for yoga exercises, breathing exercises, relaxation techniques, and instructions for meditation.

This allows you to deepen your knowledge of the yoga pathways, our tradition, and yogic nutrition and get new impulses.

Where can I practice yoga?

It is best to learn as a yoga beginner with a yoga teacher. This is a website for Yoga, Meditation, and Spirituality, so you can find out about our yoga knowledge, seminar houses, and yoga teachers here.

Our training, seminar, and training courses are of course designed in such a way that they can be used in addition to professional and family life.

How often should I practice yoga?

The effect of yoga is evident quite quickly: Most yoga beginners experience a feeling of deep relaxation, energy, and well-being already in or after the first yoga class. Sometimes you have to practice a few times until the effect is experienced. Sometimes it helps to try a few yoga instructors to find the right one. Normally, after just three months, you experience a strong impact on your health, energy levels, and well-being.

If you practice yoga a few times a week in a yoga class, you will already feel an effect. If you do 10-30 minutes of yoga every day or almost every day, you will learn more. If you can take 45-90 minutes a day for your yoga practice, that's optimal.

Best of all, you just start and see what's possible for you without stressing yourself. You can also integrate some yoga exercises into your everyday life: in yoga, there are stretching exercises on the chair for the office, standing asanas for in between, breathing exercises that you can do without anyone else noticing – and there are relaxation techniques for serenity and charging on the go.

Yoga at Yoga Vidya

Yoga Vidya is the largest seminar and training institution in Europe for yoga, meditation, and Ayurveda with numerous offers. Among other things, training courses for yoga teachers are offered, which can also be adapted to the needs of certain target groups by specializations.

For example, teacher training already includes lessons for children, seniors, pregnant women, and back yoga, and there are also special training courses and lessons for them.

Whether for yoga beginners, advanced, pregnant, seniors, with musical accompaniment and mantras - a yoga lesson at Yoga Vidya usually includes a relaxation at the beginning, breathing exercises (pranayama), dynamic exercises such as the sun salute (Surya Namaskar), held asanas and deep relaxation at the end of the hour.

Did you know that deep relaxation releases the hypothalamus, activates hormones and messenger substances such as endorphin ("happiness hormones"), serotonin, and melatonin ("sleep hormones")?

Yoga practiced at Yoga Vidya is the " Integral Yoga " according to the teachings of Swami Sivananda, with the emphasis on the holistic development of man.


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