Top 10 Yoga Mudra's with their meaning, benefits and symbols


What is Yoga Mudras?

The Sanskrit term Mudra means "gesture" or "symbol" and refers to a gesture of the hands more often than not, but also of the eyes. This practice goes back to the roots of Hinduism. Originally they were reserved for traditional Indian dance that tells by movement, theatrical play, and mime, the two great Hindu epics that are the Ramayana and Mahabharata, founding texts of all Hindu mythology. For the Indians, the Mudras allow us to come into direct contact with the Gods and to develop in themselves the metaphysical qualities they represent. This spiritual gesture is an extremely vast art, made up of thousands of possible combinations. Today, in yoga classes, some of these Mudras are widely used, almost ornamentally and in spite of their deep meaning. Let us try, here, to go a little further in understanding these deemed powerful gestures Top 10 yoga Mudra with their meaning, benefits for (headache, diabetes, hair growth, weight gain & loss, for glowing skin, etc) and symbols.

Five fingers meet five elements

As we know, there are five elements in the universe, and everything is made up of them. Fingers represent these elements as follows:

  • Thumb - Fire
  • Index – Air
  • Major - Ether / Space
  • Annular - Earth
  • Ear - Water


The use of mudras in the practice of yoga and meditation is an effective way to take care of oneself physically and mentally with your hands while recharging your energy level.

The term mudra refers to the use of hand gestures during meditation, which is specifically designed to channel the flow of energy from your body. There are more than 100 known mudras that have been created over the centuries.

Here are the 10 mudras that heal and improve your mental clarity, energy, and overall health.

1/ Gyan Mudra or Chin Mudra

Known as Gyan Mudra or Chin Mudra, this symbolic gesture is undoubtedly the most well-known and most used mudra. We often see people practicing meditation associated with this mudra in their sessions.

Ideal to help you focus and boost your memory. The Gyan mudra is excellent during a period of learning and memorization to acquire new knowledge.

During your meditations, keep this mudra so that you have a vision of your life or a specific subject.

Making the Gyan Mudra:

This famous mudra is done by placing your hands on your knees and slightly touching the tip of your thumb at the end of your index finger, keeping the middle finger, ring finger, and earpiece straight.

The direction of your palms has an impact on this mudra.

  • Making the mudra with your palms up helps you connect to heavenly wisdom.
  • Having your palms down creates a strong anchoring effect.
  • This mudra can be done with your palms in front of others, which helps to convey wisdom and clarity.

Elements corresponding to the Gyan Mudra:

  • Space
  • Air

2/ Mudra Buddhi

For better clarity of mind, the Buddhi mudra is ideal.

Sometimes some dreams or meditations leave you perplexed with a feeling of a blur, of incomprehension. In these cases, the practice of this mudra will help you better understand your subconscious and its intuitive messages.

Moreover, one of the main virtues of Buddhi is to improve communication, especially internal and external language.

Making the Buddhi Mudra:

The mudra is done by touching your thumb with your little finger while keeping the other three fingers straight.

Elements corresponding to Buddhi Mudra:

  • Space
  • Earth

3/ Shuni Mudra

Shuni mudra helps turn negative feelings, relieving depression, and overwhelming thoughts into positive emotions.
After a day where you have unpleasant thoughts, Shuni mudra will help you calm your mental process and allow you to stay positive in difficult times.

Your solar plexus chakra can also be strengthened by this mudra, regulating your intuitive energy. Your intuition and decision-making capacity will progressively become more relevant as you meditate daily on the Shuni mudra.

When you need the motivation to pursue goals and make decisions, use this mudra that will purify your emotions and thoughts.

Making the Shuni Mudra:

To make the Shuni mudra, place your hands on your knees, palms up. Connect the tip of your thumb to the end of your middle finger, keeping the rest of your fingers straight and relaxed.

Elements corresponding to the Shuni Mudra:


4/ Prana Mudra

The Prana mudra is a very important mudra for your well-being, activating the vital force that lies dormant in all of us.

By practicing this mudra regularly you will overcome your feeling of anxiety, nervousness, lack of self-confidence, and insecurity! In addition, the energy it awakens will help fight chronic fatigue.

This makes a person brave and confident enough to face the daily challenges of life.

Making prana Mudra:

To make the Prana mudra, just touch with the ring finger and the little finger the tip of the thumb while keeping the other two fingers straight.

Elements corresponding to Prana Mudra:

  • Space
  • Water

5/ Dhyana Mudra

The Dhyana Mudra is the most powerful mudra to improve concentration and balance. It balances the right and left sides of your body, calms your mind, and keeps you focused and alert. A high concentration is accompanied by profound achievement, wisdom, and tranquillity.

Dhyana is said to have been the mudra that Buddha used during his illumination under the pipal tree (or Bhodi). Moreover, most of the statues and images of the Buddha sitting in meditation represent him using the Dhyana mudra.

In short, this mudra promotes greater concentration. This gesture can also bring you peace and inner peace.

Making the Dhyana Mudra:

To make the Dhyana mudra, place your left hand flat on your knees with the palm up. Place your right hand on top of your left hand with the palm up (your right-hand fingers resting on the fingers of your left hand).

The right hand, which represents enlightenment and higher spiritual abilities, positioned on the left hand, which represents the world of illusion. (Maya's)

Elements corresponding to the Dhyana Mudra:

  • All

6/ Surya Mudra

In Sanskrit, Surya means "sun" which is why it is often said that Surya mudra is the gesture of the sun. It is often used to heal the body and mind.

Indeed it increases the fire element of our body which causes an increase in our body temperature.

This helps cure many problems:

  • Keep colds away
  • Fighting the coldness of the hands and feet
  • Reducing body fat (mudras to lose weight)
  • Improves digestion and metabolism
  • Calms restless and anxious minds

Making Surya Mudra:

Make this mudra by touching with the tip of the ring finger, the base of the thumb and apply pressure on it. Keep other fingers straight or relaxed. 30 minutes of this practice in the early hours of the morning is enough to get the results.

Elements corresponding to Surya Mudra:

  • Space
  • Water

7/ Apana Mudra

It is often said that Apana mudra is the mudra of mental and physical digestion. Indeed it is ideal to eliminate waste and toxins from the body, helping for example to fight constipation, diabetes, or hemorrhoids.

On top of that, The Apana mudra helps to digest and release our negative emotions and thoughts that block us and which we no longer want.

It is very important to detoxify our body and our mind, Apna Mudra contributes to it.

Making the Apana Mudra:

To make this Mudra, bend your middle finger and ring finger to touch the tip of your thumb while exerting slight pressure. Let your little finger and index finger be straight.

Elements corresponding to Apana Mudra:

  • Space
  • Fire
  • Water

8/ Ganesha Mudra

The famous Ganesha Mudra is named after the Hindu deity Ganesh. As this elephant-headed god and the human body, Ganesha mudra would remove obstacles and develop positivity.

Indeed this mudra is a great way to free yourself from obstacles that ruin your daily life. It can help you regain morale and confidence to deal with your worries and thus overcome them. It would also relieve stress and tension.

The practice of Ganesha mudra moves your energy and attention to the heart. It regulates and strengthens the heart while opening up love and compassion.

In addition to the spiritual and mental benefits it provides on the Anahata heart chakra, the stretch caused by this mudra is good for your blood pressure as well as your heart muscles.

Making Ganesha Mudra:

Put your left hand in front of your chest with your palm facing outwards and your thumb down. Then bring your right hand back to the left, palms face to face. Assemble your hands together with fingers curved like claws.

During your meditation session, take a deep breath while holding your hands in this position, then pull outwards while exhaling.

Repeat this action up to six times, then reverse your hands to perform the same stretch with your right hand this time in front of your chest. Do this mudra as many times on one side as on the other to keep the tension balance.

Elements corresponding to Ganesha Mudra:

  • All

9/ Vayu Mudra

The particular Vayu Mudra reduces diseases of the body related to air imbalances such as joint pain, gas problems, sciatica, gout, or stomach swelling.

It controls restlessness, nervousness, and calms an uncomfortable mind while harmonizing the natural energies of our body.

Making the Vayu Mudra:

Similar to the Gyan mudra, the Vayu mudra is quite different. It is done with the thumb that is connected to the index finger folded on itself, unlike the fingertip with Gyan.

The thumb rests comfortably on the forefinger to relax the joint and not to solicit it. For best results, make your pranayama asanas by making the Vayu mudra.

Elements corresponding to the Vayu Mudra:

  • Space
  • Air

10/ Rudra Mudra

Rudra mudra is usually associated with the Hindu god Shiva because it refers to your internal transformation capabilities. In Sanskrit, Rudra means "Lord," this mudra whose benefits are linked to your personal power center linked to the solar plexus chakra.

Practice this gesture helps with concentration and clarifying one's thinking. Rudra is often recommended for people who suffer from dizziness, fatigue, and tension in their bodies.

Reach your goals and potential by energizing your physical body through meditation with Rudra mudra.

Making the Rudra Mudra:

To make this mudra, assemble your thumb with your forefinger as well as your ring finger by keeping the other two fingers as straight as possible.

Elements corresponding to Rudra Mudra:

  • Space
  • Air
  • Water

Conclusion on Mudras finger yoga

By regularly practicing the 10 mudras we have presented you you will notice an improvement in your well-being thanks to better energy flow in your body.

This discipline with various names, mudras yoga, mudras meditation, or mudras chakras fits perfectly with accessories on the wrists like natural stone bracelets or Tibetan mala. The spiritual power of the bracelets circulates better in the body thanks to the flow of energy created by the mudras.

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